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Excerpts of a Message from Rev. Barry Lynn, today:

"... The latest claim coming out of the Religious Right is that there is a 'war on Christians.' TV preacher Pat Robertson, whose television show The 700 Club reaches millions of viewers, recently accused the nation’s federal courts of conspiring against evangelicals. “They [federal courts] are taking our religion away from us under the guise of separation of church and state. There was never any intention that our government would be separate from God Almighty,” declared Robertson.

"Give me a break. Far from being marginalized in public policy debates, the Religious Right is able to threaten and issue marching orders to the nation’s leading lawmakers. I am weary of these leaders claiming that they and their followers are victims, while at the same time meddling in our lives to an unprecedented degree. With your renewed help, Americans United will put a stop to it.

"The rhetoric revolving around a war on Christians is nothing more than a tactic by Religious Right groups to continue to persuade as many citizens as possible that religious conservatives are being persecuted, and at the same time, raise boatloads of money in their quest to maintain their influence on politicians on the state and federal levels. Each of the Top 10 Religious Right groups pictured here have annual budgets in the millions -- the two wealthiest groups taking in over $100 million each year!

"Americans who are committed to preserving the First Amendment principle of church-state separation cannot let down their guard. And very importantly, we can’t afford to be lulled into thinking that the nation’s Religious Right leaders voices have lost any influence, or are the victims of an organized, powerful effort to silence them.

"It is a daunting task to counter such powerful and influential dominant organizations, and why I hope you’ll stay committed to helping Americans United stay in front of their schemes in the important battle to protect our freedoms from the Religious Right’s onerous agenda..."

Stay alert, and speak up when you hear false statements being made about Freedom of Religion in this country. Silence is not a vitue when it comes to defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States! "

Flash: Danger of the extremist Christian Right by Goldberg, July 19, 2006, Click Here

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